Maria Hutchinson
Senior Consultant


Maria Hutchinson is an independent coach and consultant specializing in Executive, Team and Career coaching across the UN system. Her 25+ years of experience as a staff development and learning specialist in international, intergovernmental organizations brings a wealth of leadership success training to KITE. Within KITE, she has coached individuals and teams in a range of countries, from Switzerland to Madagascar, for several UN agencies including UNDP, IAEA, WFP and the Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF). 

Maria was a learning and development officer with UNHCR, Staff development coordinator with IOM, and Chief of the Staff Development and Learning Section at the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG). From 2007 to 2013, Maria was Chief of the Learning, Leadership and Organizational Development Section at UNHQ in New York, where she was responsible for management and leadership development programmes across the UN Secretariat. During her tenure, the UN Secretariat was awarded the prestigious Prism Award for excellence in coaching by the International Coaching Federation. 

From 2013 to 2015, Maria served as Deputy Director of the United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy where she was responsible for a wide range of interagency learning initiatives. This included both face-to-face and online learning programmes in leadership development, women and leadership, management skills for UN Country Teams (UNCT) and conflict analysis.

Maria holds a Masters Degree from the Teacher’s College of Columbia University in New York, and is certified by the Coaches Training Institute (CPCC) and the International Coach Federation (ACC). She is trained in Organizational Relationship Systems Team Coaching (ORSC). Born in the UK, Maria is a British national of Caribbean origin. A native English speaker, Maria has excellent working knowledge of French. She is based in Barcelona, Spain.