Nadine Chetty

Nadine considers herself “a cultural hybrid,” being of Indian heritage, South African birth and Irish upbringing. This, along with experiences living and working across several sectors, countries and continents, provides her as a coach with a unique understanding and perspective of culture, diversity and inclusion. 

Nadine has worked in a range of industries and organizations to support organisations and individuals create sustainable change and transformation. She worked as the Head of Learning and Talent Management in Qatar for a commercial bank, before she left to consult privately on a range of organizational development and design projects for clients in Singapore and around the world. Nadine has facilitated and conducted peer coaching for WFP’s Horizon Programme over the past three years. Horizon is a career development programme for high potential senior National Officers. She has also co-facilitated a team retreat for several hundred staff in UNFPA/Bangladesh.

Her experience includes leadership development, recruitment, learning design, facilitation, performance coaching, leadership assessment and change management.

Based in Singapore, Nadine works as an executive coach for INSEAD, where she received an Executive Master’s in Consulting and Coaching for Change. She is currently studying for a Ph.D. in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. She is certified in Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) levels 1 and 2.